Who We Are
Team 4917, Sir Lancerbot, consists of 47 EDSS students who strive for excellence in school, FRC and the community. We are inspired by each challenge we face while building a stronger and better community. The key emphasis of our team is that we are student-led. Students strategize, build, design and program the robot. We oversee our finances, budget, create media, and manage sponsor relations. At the same time, we are eager to train new team members in all aspects of the team so they can determine they're best fit and develop new skills. We work to prioritize the inclusion of all. Every aspect of the creation of the robot from business and marketing to build is led by appointed junior and senior student leaders. We are training our students leadership every step of the journey to maximize our opportunities to learn, develop our skills, and continue building the next generation of team 4917.
We are organized into 5 main sub teams with divisions in each. The main teams are Business & Marketing, Build, CAD, Electrical and Software. Within the team, we also work on accounting, community involvement, drive, fundraising, leadership, mechanical build, media, safety, scouting and strategy. Every sub team has responsibilities and duties to complete during the season, all managed by student leaders. These teams provide a range of student interest opportunities, providing both real work experience and ownership.
Students and Mentors
Our students exhibit exceptional commitment and excellent work ethic leading to our robot being unique and successful. We have a great group of industry professionals who provide consulting expertise and mentorship, teaching students in every aspect of the team. Thank you 4917 mentors for sharing your knowledge and guidance! We strive to build a strong community within our team having students of all ages actively participate on every sub-team. While our students are strong STEM innovators, they are also well-rounded as we build their business knowledge, confidence and communication skills. This helps to assist in better communication between sub teams, amplifying our collaboration and teamwork.
Core Values
Our strong team community is evident at competitions where we are seen encouraging each other and other teams. We strive to exemplify Gracious Professionalism at all times. At competitions, our team enthusiastically brings energy by cheering loudly and waving green for our robot, other teams, and alliance members. In the pits, cooperation is shown frequently as 4917 eagerly assists any team that needs another set of eyes or some help troubleshooting, even if they are about to become an opponent on the field. We want to encourage each team to compete at its best. Team 4917 works to make an impact in every situation and continues to strive to be better, learn more and continue to grow while having fun!
Team 4917, Sir Lancerbot, consists of 47 EDSS students who strive for excellence in school, FRC and the community. We are inspired by each challenge we face while building a stronger and better community. The key emphasis of our team is that we are student-led. Students strategize, build, design and program the robot. We oversee our finances, budget, create media, and manage sponsor relations. At the same time, we are eager to train new team members in all aspects of the team so they can determine they're best fit and develop new skills. We work to prioritize the inclusion of all. Every aspect of the creation of the robot from business and marketing to build is led by appointed junior and senior student leaders. We are training our students leadership every step of the journey to maximize our opportunities to learn, develop our skills, and continue building the next generation of team 4917.
We are organized into 5 main sub teams with divisions in each. The main teams are Business & Marketing, Build, CAD, Electrical and Software. Within the team, we also work on accounting, community involvement, drive, fundraising, leadership, mechanical build, media, safety, scouting and strategy. Every sub team has responsibilities and duties to complete during the season, all managed by student leaders. These teams provide a range of student interest opportunities, providing both real work experience and ownership.
Students and Mentors
Our students exhibit exceptional commitment and excellent work ethic leading to our robot being unique and successful. We have a great group of industry professionals who provide consulting expertise and mentorship, teaching students in every aspect of the team. Thank you 4917 mentors for sharing your knowledge and guidance! We strive to build a strong community within our team having students of all ages actively participate on every sub-team. While our students are strong STEM innovators, they are also well-rounded as we build their business knowledge, confidence and communication skills. This helps to assist in better communication between sub teams, amplifying our collaboration and teamwork.
Core Values
Our strong team community is evident at competitions where we are seen encouraging each other and other teams. We strive to exemplify Gracious Professionalism at all times. At competitions, our team enthusiastically brings energy by cheering loudly and waving green for our robot, other teams, and alliance members. In the pits, cooperation is shown frequently as 4917 eagerly assists any team that needs another set of eyes or some help troubleshooting, even if they are about to become an opponent on the field. We want to encourage each team to compete at its best. Team 4917 works to make an impact in every situation and continues to strive to be better, learn more and continue to grow while having fun!
What Is FIRST?
Founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen, FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a global nonprofit organization that prepares young people for the future through inclusive, team-based robotics programs for ages 4-18. FIRST programs are great for schools or structured afterschool activities and receive support from a vast network of volunteers, educators, and sponsors/donors, including over 500 companies.
Because their programs are "More Than Robots," FIRST participants are guided by a signature set of Core Values to conduct research, fundraise, design, build, and showcase their achievements. Their thrilling, sports-like challenges build student's self-confidence and collaborative problem-solving skills and have a proven and lasting impact on STEM learning and interest. FIRST's participants and alumni gain access to education and career discovery opportunities, connections to exclusive scholarships and employers, and a place in the FIRST community for life.
What is FRC
FIRST Robotics Competition, also known as FRC, is a competition for students in grades 9-12. Each year we are given 3 months to design, build and program a robot to complete a set of challenges in 2:30 minute matches. For the first 15 seconds, the robot is autonomous, meaning it is preprogrammed. For the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds the robot is in teleop and controlled by a driver and operator.
Because their programs are "More Than Robots," FIRST participants are guided by a signature set of Core Values to conduct research, fundraise, design, build, and showcase their achievements. Their thrilling, sports-like challenges build student's self-confidence and collaborative problem-solving skills and have a proven and lasting impact on STEM learning and interest. FIRST's participants and alumni gain access to education and career discovery opportunities, connections to exclusive scholarships and employers, and a place in the FIRST community for life.
What is FRC
FIRST Robotics Competition, also known as FRC, is a competition for students in grades 9-12. Each year we are given 3 months to design, build and program a robot to complete a set of challenges in 2:30 minute matches. For the first 15 seconds, the robot is autonomous, meaning it is preprogrammed. For the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds the robot is in teleop and controlled by a driver and operator.